Through its innovative use of technology, the Patience Project offers young people with a long-term illness a chance to re-engage with the world in ways that are potentially profound.
- CCRE, University of Auckland
The Patience Project aims to create a sense of connectedness and well-being for children with long-term illness by using innovative technology to connect them to their family, whānau, friends and school.
A recent study by The Centre for Community Research and Evaluation (CCRE), at the University of Auckland clearly indicated that children given the opportunity to engage with their school environment will benefit not only educationally, but psychologically and socially.

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The Starship Foundation is funding critical clinical research to further assess the impact of the Patience Project on lifting the spirits of children and young people. The research is led by Dr. Hiran Thabrew, Consultant Psychiatrist at Starship Child Health.
Creating better health and brighter futures.